HYPEMETER 2018 — it is the first index in the World Cup's history which has reflected all activities in social nets of all players and national teams taking part in the competition
HYPEMETER – it is an index, it calculates the number of posts according to available indexes in each social nets (likes, comments, reposts, reviews) and growth of subscribers in each account. It is necessary in order to fix the general index HYPEMETER 2018 according to the unique methodology. Each participant's account in social nets Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, аs well as in video hosting Youtube for national teams and clubs is evaluated according to two indexes:

• Quality of published materials
• Growth of subscribers since the competition's start

The unicity of HYPEMETER 2018 is that here absolutely all players registered for the World Cup, were represented. That is why supporters and specialists could compare indexes not only of world football leaders but also the ones of the best players of different countries, look for regularities and interesting facts. Only here the football community could see how a bright performance or a fatal fault influenced the rating of a sportsman or a national team!

We got all data from open sources – official accounts of football players and national teams.
Supporters from 115 countries have visited the site and have studied statistics in 9 languages! The first time in the history were fixed digital-results about all players and national teams participated in the World Cup.
We defined the best ones in different nominations:
The best national teams and players according to the general rating
The best national teams and players as for the subscribers' growth
Breakthrough of the competition (player or national team)
The best post of the World Cup
PR of the project
HYPEMETER was represented on the site МАТCH ТV, in the mobile App МАТCH Club, as well as in the channel's social nets. Interesting facts from social nets were used by commentators in news, announcing studios, daily programs and even in match broadcasts of the football World Cup.
Totally from 13 of June to 17 of July took place 335 publications mentioning the project HYPEMETER*

МедиаИндекс** for the mentioned period totally consisted 2 310 points
Заметность*** for the mentioned period consisted 141,5 points

**МеdiaIndex — it is the internal index of the system Меdialogy. It lets to range publications taking into consideration the following factors:

  • Number of reprints of the article on third-party sources (more reprints, higher the МеdiaIndex coefficient);
  • Influence of citing sources on the basis of regularly renewed ratings of Меdialogy (for example, a publication in ТАSS or in Gazeta.ru shows a high level of МеdiaIndex);
  • Тоnality of a publication (positive publications have a higher level of МеdiaInde than neutral ones, and negative ones have the negative level of МеdiaIndex);
  • Mentions of the object (Маtch ТV or Hypemeter) in the main role provide a higher level of МеdiaIndex.
МеdiaIndex is the most reputable and the most faithful index a publication's significancy in comparison with other indexes. The index can change from -1000 to +1000 for each message

***Message visibility — it is the internal index of the system Меdialogy which lets to define the brightest messages in the most prestigious mass media.

For example, the message visibility in printed editions depends on: edition broadside, publication size, presence and size of illustrations, title expressivity, message volume, source's coverage, circulation and other parameters.

Totally from 13 of June to 17 of July took place 335 publications mentioning the project HYPEMETER*
MediaIndex** for the mentioned period totally consisted 2 310 points
Visibility*** for the mentioned period consisted 141,5 points
**МеdiaIndex — it is the internal index of the system Меdialogy. It lets to range publications taking into consideration the following factors:

  • Number of reprints of the article on third-party sources (more reprints, higher the МеdiaIndex coefficient);
  • Influence of citing sources on the basis of regularly renewed ratings of Меdialogy (for example, a publication in ТАSS or in Gazeta.ru shows a high level of МеdiaIndex);
  • Тоnality of a publication (positive publications have a higher level of МеdiaInde than neutral ones, and negative ones have the negative level of МеdiaIndex);
  • Mentions of the object (Маtch ТV or Hypemeter) in the main role provide a higher level of МеdiaIndex.
МеdiaIndex is the most reputable and the most faithful index a publication's significancy in comparison with other indexes. The index can change from -1000 to +1000 for each message
***Message visibility — it is the internal index of the system Меdialogy which lets to define the brightest messages in the most prestigious mass media.

For example, the message visibility in printed editions depends on: edition broadside, publication size, presence and size of illustrations, title expressivity, message volume, source's coverage, circulation and other parameters.
PR of the project and Offline-support
The mention of HYPEMETER in comparison with other leading analytic and statistic platforms within the football World Cup*
Brand Analytics
Brand Analytics
Brand Analytics
*The data are represented by LLC «Меdialogy»
HYPEMETER for Leagues. Good prospects and a big public activity.
On the basis of the statistic monitoring of the site, expert and supporters' consulting, we came to conclusion that Hypemeter for Leagues will arouse the public interest because of the following factors:

1. Duration of the League's calendar is not one month but 9-11 months

2. Live concurrence between clubs in the digital space. National teams do not have it yet

3. The club audience is much more active than the national teams' audience

4. A great number of the football community (journalists, TV commentators, experts, bloggers etc.) will be integrated into HYPEMETER