Ticketing program
The ticketing program development is one of the most important directions and one of the main sources of revenues. In how many areas to divide the arena? How to define correctly the price range? The number of sales stages. Dynamic or static pricing. We had to resolve these and hundreds of other very important issues as soon as possible because the CEV asked to open immediately the ticket sales.
We decided to choose the gradual sales system with a dynamic pricing. It was done in order to evaluate the demand and to understand whether we need to put a lot of money into the advertising campaign. We understood that, from one part, it is the Champions League Final Four, the great international event, but from another part – Kazan had seen a lot of big international events within the recent years. At the first stage we made tickets with lower prices at the match day and a pleasant discount for the season ticket for the whole competition. Tickets were sold only online on the club's website in Russian and in English languages. Results of the first stage surpassed all our expectations. 30 % of tickets were sold out within one day. Having monitored the results, in 10 days we opened the second stage of sales. Prices increased from 30 to 80%, the discount for the season ticket became minimal but the dynamic remained the same. Within two days of sales, to the beginning of April, we have sold 60% of tickets for the event. Moreover, the lower level of Basket hall was sold completely, that is why we decided not to start the third stage and realize quietly the remaining number by means of the selective advertising campaign.