Аutomated system of work with supporters — Capital System

Сapital System
Сapital System — it is an analytic system which unites all marketing tools of a club, league, federation, competition or brand. It controls three basic lines:
Маrketing for supporters on the basis of CRM
Business-monitoring of marketing activity
Work with sponsors by means of the control of number of contacts with the public and definition of the fair value of the advertising potencial
How does it work?
CAPITAL SYSTEM. Аutomated system of work with supporters
CAPITAL SYSTEM – it is the product of the laboratory Sellout Sport System. It is a system which unites all marketing tools of a club or a league, controls and improves their efficiency
Clients using the Capital System:
Adapted for the sport

Сapital System is made by sport marketing experts for executives, sport marketing experts, managers. It has everything necessary for a club, league, federation, competition or brand.

Simple and clear interface

Сapital System has nothing in excess, it is easy for using by an executive or by a manager..

It has an educational program

There is a fast and easy online educational program and certification for specialists which permits to start working as fast as possible

Integration with any service

We have integrations with leading ticketing operators, DMCS, social nets, distribution services. Moreover, we can implement into the system other services on request.

Free demo-access for 7 days

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